Thankfully, liposuction and liposculpture can be performed to help restore a toned, youthful physique, boosting your self-image and optimizing your quality of life. Liposuction targets localized fat bulges, while liposculpture improves definition and refines your curves.

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A Unique, Cutting-Edge Approach to Aesthetics

Raised and educated in Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Kiwanuka possesses a combination of artistry, holistic health knowledge, and a passion for helping her patients achieve their best selves, inside and out.

Dr. Kiwanuka created Functional Aesthetics — a treatment approach exclusive to Core Aesthetics New York — in order to fuse conventional cosmetic procedures with a holistic focus on nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Through state-of-the-art skin-tightening and muscle-building technologies such as J-Plasma, VASER lipo, and EmSculpt, Dr. Kiwanuka delivers exponentially more advanced, transformative results.

What is Liposuction?

Contrary to many people’s conception of liposuction, it is not a weight-loss procedure. Rather, it can help already fit, healthy individuals to combat stubborn pockets of localized fat that don’t respond to workouts. These areas may have cute names like “muffin tops,” “love handles,” or “saddlebags,” but they can be highly frustrating and inhibit one’s wardrobe choices.

Liposuction is performed by creating a tiny incision at the targeted zone through which a cannula, or slim metal tube, is threaded. A suction machine then extracts the excess fat cells out of the body and discards them as waste or preserves them for a future fat transfer procedure.

Liposuction can be used to reshape the stomach, hips, waist, thighs, buttocks, knees, upper arms, bra rolls, male chest, and submental region. The procedure is often combined with a tummy tuck, mommy makeover, thigh lift, or other surgical procedures to maximize your body contouring results.

What are the Benefits?

  • Slims, sculpts, and reshapes the figure
  • More effective than dieting and exercise alone
  • Creates a more youthful, inviting physique
  • Can be combined with multiple surgical procedures
  • Enhances self-confidence and self-image
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Who is an Ideal Candidate for the Procedure?

Ideal candidates for liposuction are not seeking weight-loss results. They are already at a stable weight and are mentally and physically healthy with no uncontrolled medical concerns. They have good skin elasticity but are struggling with localized fat. They should be non-smokers or willing to quit for a significant amount of time before and after surgery, as advised by Dr. Kiwanuka. Lastly, candidates for liposuction should have realistic expectations for their outcomes, based on a private consultation with the doctor.

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What Can I Expect During My Session?

Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and sedation. General anesthesia can also be used, especially in cases where the patient is undergoing additional treatments at the same time. Total surgery time is usually 1-3 hours.

Liposuction may be performed using a tumescent technique in which a solution of lidocaine and epinephrine are injected into the fatty tissue prior to suction. This helps to emulsify the fat, making it easier to remove and reducing post-operative discomfort, bruising, and swelling.

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What Makes Our Approach So Modern and Cutting-Edge?

Dr. Kiwanuka pioneered Functional Aesthetics, an innovative treatment approach to aesthetic surgery that fuses beauty, wellness, fitness, and nutrition for an optimized, holistic outcome. Restoring balance where there is imbalance, Functional Aesthetics ensures that clients experience exponential improvements in their appearance, well-being, and quality of life. The following modalities may be included as part of your treatment plan:


Remodels the physique through targeted muscle contractions that disrupt stubborn fat and reshape the torso in fewer than 30 minutes.


Blends radiofrequency energy with cold helium plasma to regenerate collagen, smoothing, tightening, and firming the skin.

VASER Hi-Def lipo

Uses potent ultrasound energy to tighten the skin while gently melting away pockets of fat and restoring contour definition.

What Will My Recovery Entail?

Dr. Kiwanuka will provide you with a compression garment to be worn for 2-6 weeks. This will help to minimize swelling and keep your newly sculpted contours intact. You may be fitted with drains as well to help remove excess fluids from the body. Bruising and swelling will resolve within a week or two.

After liposuction, you can begin taking gentle walks right away to prevent blood clots, boost circulation, and elevate mood. You must avoid heavy exercise for 2-4 weeks, or as advised by the doctor. Most people can resume work within the first week after their procedure. Final results are typically seen between 3 and 12 months after liposuction.

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Why Choose Core Aesthetics New York?

Core Aesthetics caters to fitness-minded individuals who seek results-oriented treatments that take their self-care to the next level. They value their health and desire a holistic, balanced approach that incorporates nutrition and athletics for unparalleled wellbeing. Dr. Kiwanuka’s cutting-edge treatment approach, Functional Aesthetics, is exclusive to Core Aesthetics New York and provides highly personalized results that can transform your self-image.

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