Breast augmentation is a transformative cosmetic procedure that many individuals in New York City consider to enhance their appearance and confidence. However, one crucial aspect that often comes into consideration is the cost of such a procedure. Understanding the factors that influence the cost of breast augmentation and finding the right balance between quality and affordability is essential for anyone contemplating this surgery in the bustling metropolis of New York.

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Average Cost of Breast Augmentation in New York City

In New York City, the average cost of breast augmentation typically ranges from $8,000 to $15,000, depending on a multitude of factors. It's important to note that this cost may vary from one surgeon to another and may not include additional expenses such as pre-operative consultations, post-operative care, and any unforeseen complications.

A comprehensive quote for breast augmentation surgery typically includes the cost of implants, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and surgeon fees. Anesthesia is administered by board-certified professionals who work closely with the surgical team to ensure safety and excellence during the procedure.

Initial Consultation: A consultation fee is often necessary to book an initial appointment.  The fee may vary depending on the practice's structure, but it often serves as a commitment to the process; It is usually applied to the surgery costs if you proceed with a breast augmentation.

Surgeon's Fee: The surgeon fee encompasses the technical aspects of the surgery and includes follow-up appointments and communications with the surgeon. Unlike other professions where services may be billed incrementally, the surgeon fee for breast augmentation surgery is typically all-inclusive. The experience and reputation of the surgeon performing the procedure can significantly impact the cost.

Type of Implants: The type of implants used, whether saline, silicone, or Gummy Bear implants, can affect the overall cost. Factors such as implant size and brand may also contribute to price variations.

Facility Fees: The fees associated with the surgical facility where the procedure is performed, including general anesthesia and operating room costs, are also factored into the total cost. Core Aesthetics boasts an advanced AAAASF-accredited facility on Manhattan's Upper East Side. The fully certified surgery center meets hospital standards, ensuring comfort, safety, privacy, and discretion.

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Core Aesthetics for Breast Augmentation

While the cost of breast augmentation in New York City may vary, choosing a reputable surgeon like Dr. Kiwanuka at Core Aesthetics ensures high-quality care and favorable outcomes. With a focus on expertise, personalized treatment, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordability, Core Aesthetics emerges as a top choice for individuals seeking breast augmentation in the heart of New York City.

Dr. Kiwanuka is a highly skilled and board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience performing breast augmentation procedures. Offering top-notch quality and personalized care, Core Aesthetics strives to keep its services affordable for patients in New York City. Dr. Kiwanuka and her team understand the importance of making cosmetic procedures accessible without compromising quality.

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