If you’re unsatisfied with the size, shape, or overall appearance of your breasts, you may consider undergoing breast augmentation surgery. If you decide to go this route, you’ll need to determine which method of breast augmentation you prefer. The two primary choices are breast implants and fat-transfer breast augmentation, both of which have unique pros and cons. Here, we’ll take a closer look at each breast augmentation technique so that you can make an informed decision.

What Are Breast Implants?

Breast augmentation with breast implants, which is the more traditional method of breast augmentation, involves the insertion of silicone or saline implants to increase the size of the breasts while also enhancing the shape and symmetry. When you choose to get breast implants, they’ll be fully customized to your unique needs and preferences. According to the University of Utah, approximately 300,000 breast implant surgeries are performed in the United States each year. 

Advantages of Breast Implants

  • Long-lasting results: Breast implants typically last for many years, and in some cases, even a lifetime.
  • Customizable size and shape: You can choose the size and shape of your breast implants to suit your preferences and body type.
  • Immediate results: Breast implants provide immediate results, so you can see the changes right away.
  • Improved self-confidence: Many women report feeling more confident and comfortable in their bodies after getting breast implants.

Disadvantages of Breast Implants

  • Risk of complications: Like any invasive surgery, breast implant surgery carries risks of complications such as infection, bleeding, and scarring.
  • Maintenance: Breast implants require occasional maintenance, such as regular check-ups and, possibly, replacement.
  • Possible interference with mammograms: Breast implants can interfere with mammograms, making it more challenging to detect breast cancer.
  • Possible rupture or leakage: Breast implants can rupture or leak, which can cause pain and discomfort and potentially require additional surgery. Additionally, a painful condition called capsular contracture can sometimes occur, which involves scar tissue hardening around the implant.

What Is Fat-Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Fat-transfer breast augmentation is an alternative method that uses natural fat from your body to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. During the procedure, excess fat is removed from another area of your body, such as the thighs, hips, or abdomen. That fat is then injected into the breasts. This method is less invasive than breast augmentation with breast implants and can provide a more natural look and feel. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, as it typically offers more subtle results and requires a certain amount of fat in the donor area.

Advantages of Fat-Transfer Breast Augmentation

    • Fewer risks: One advantage of fat-transfer breast augmentation is that it uses your fat rather than artificial implants, which means there is no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection. 
    • Natural look and feel: Fat-transfer breast augmentation can provide a more natural look and feel to the breasts, as the fat is taken from your body. 
    • Small incisions: The incisions made during the procedure are smaller when compared to traditional breast augmentation surgery, resulting in less scarring.
  • Less invasive: Breast augmentation with fat transfer is less invasive than breast augmentation with implants. General anesthesia is not needed, and the recovery time is typically shorter.

Disadvantages of Fat-Transfer Breast Augmentation

    • Limited results: One major disadvantage of fat-transfer breast augmentation is that the amount of fat that can be transferred is limited. This means that the enhancements will be subtler than traditional breast augmentation.
    • Multiple sessions: In some cases, the procedure may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.
  • Longevity: After undergoing fat-transfer breast augmentation, the transplanted fat cells will usually only survive for a few years before being absorbed into your body. This means that the results typically don’t last as long as breast implants.

Which Procedure Is Right for Me?

When deciding between breast implants and fat-transfer breast augmentation, it's important to consider your goals, preferences, and overall health. Breast implants may be the better choice for you if:

  • You want a significant increase in breast size
  • You want a more dramatic change in breast shape
  • You have enough breast tissue to cover the implant
  • You are willing to have more invasive surgery and undergo a significant recovery period
  • You do not have much excess fat on your body

Alternatively, you may be a better candidate for fat-transfer breast augmentation if:

  • You want a modest increase in breast size
  • You want a more subtle change in breast shape
  • You have excess fat in other areas of your body that you want to remove
  • You prefer a less invasive procedure with a shorter recovery time
  • You prioritize your new breasts looking and feeling as natural as possible

What Is the Takeaway?

Ultimately, both breast augmentation with implants and fat-transfer breast augmentation are effective procedures that offer significant advantages. If you’re not sure which method is the better choice for your needs, the best thing you can do is sit down for a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Elizabeth Kiwanuka. She will evaluate your situation and aesthetic goals to help you decide which breast augmentation technique will be most likely to provide the life-changing results you’re looking for. If you’d like to schedule your consultation, simply contact our office today.

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