An arm lift can trim redundant skin folds and reshape the area, allowing patients to once again enjoy wearing sleeveless clothing and swimsuits. Dr. Kiwanuka at Core Aesthetics New York is keenly aware that her fitness-oriented clients appreciate both form and function in terms of their results. Her cutting-edge approach, Functional Aesthetics, combines the power of optimal nutrition with wellness, beauty, and athletics to enhance overall quality of life while attaining each patient’s individual goals for looking and feeling incredible.

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What is Arm Tightening?

Brachioplasty is a surgical procedure performed to address skin ptosis in the upper arms. While the surgery is mostly performed for cosmetic reasons, it can also help relieve chafing, rashes, and irritation that may be inhibiting movement and preventing the patient from maximizing their workouts.

Dr. Kiwanuka’s in-depth understanding of kinesiology, coupled with her meticulous attention to aesthetic detail, provides clients with balanced, natural-looking outcomes perfectly tailored to their individual goals.

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How is Functional Aesthetics Incorporated Into My Arm Lift?

Functional Aesthetics is a treatment approach exclusive to Core Aesthetics New York. It holistically combines cosmetic surgery with fitness, nutrition, and total well-being to help patients live their best lives and continue their amazing journey towards self-actualization.

Eligible clients will undergo 3 EmSculpt sessions prior to their brachioplasty, along with optimization of their personalized, antioxidant-rich nutritional plan.

EmSculpt uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to trigger thousands of powerful muscle contractions that strengthen and tone the body. This level of sculpting is difficult to achieve through workouts alone. The process initiates deep remodeling of the inner structures, resulting in a more youthful and shapely physique. An additional EmSculpt session can be undergone post-op.  VASER liposuction and J-Plasma may also be incorporated into your treatment plan at Dr. Kiwanuka’s discretion.

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What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

Dr. Kiwanuka has mastered a wide arrange of advanced surgical techniques, including short-scar, limited incision, conventional, and extended brachioplasty, all with the goal of achieving the dramatic results that you desire. In every case, she will use consummate artistry and a passion for excellence to minimize scarring and provide a slimmer, more streamlined physique to support your busy, active lifestyle.

Arm tightening is performed under general or twilight anesthesia on an outpatient basis at Dr. Kiwanuka’s state-of-the-art AAAASF-accredited facility. The total procedure time will depend on the extent of the changes required and on whether any additional treatments are undergone, such as a mommy makeover, liposuction, or breast surgery.

Once the incisions have been created, Dr. Kiwanuka will remove excess skin, tissue, and fat, sculpting an upper arm appearance that is balanced and harmonious with the rest of the physique. She will then close the wounds with fine sutures and place the patient in our climate-controlled recovery suite.

A fit woman's slender arm

What are the Benefits?

  • A firmer, tighter upper body
  • A reduction in excess sagging skin
  • Relief from chafing and irritation
  • Elimination of stubborn fat
  • Correction of “bat wings”
  • More youthful contours
  • Enhanced wardrobe choices
  • A boost in self-confidence
  • A personalized nutritional plan
  • Optimized results with J-Plasma, EmSculpt, or VASER

Am I a Good Candidate?

Patients with skin folds localized in the upper arms will benefit from brachioplasty, provided they are at a stable weight for their frame, and they are physically and mentally healthy. Patients who wish to continue shedding additional pounds should postpone their arm lift until their weight has plateaued. Dr. Kiwanuka can help determine the ideal time for arm tightening during your private consultation. As with any cosmetic surgery, clients should be non-smokers who are realistic and positive in their outlook toward their procedure.

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What Will My Recovery Entail?

After arm lift surgery, you will need a friend or family member to escort you home and assist you for the first 24 hours of your recovery. Dr. Kiwanuka will provide compressive garments to help reduce your swelling, along with pain medications and detailed instructions for your recuperation.

She suggests that you engage in gentle walks right away, as this can help promote proper blood flow after surgery, minimizing complications and enhancing your mood.

Most clients resume work within 2-3 weeks, provided that their jobs are sedentary. Vigorous exercise and heavy lifting will need to be postponed for up to 6 weeks, or as discussed with the doctor.

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Discover Our Proprietary Fit Femme Regimen Why Choose Core Aesthetics New York?

Situated on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Core Aesthetics New York is a one-of-a-kind destination for high-performing clients who seek to augment their challenging fitness routines with stunning cosmetic results. 

Dr. Kiwanuka is the pioneering mind behind Functional Aesthetics, a revolutionary approach to plastic surgery that fuses together beauty, nutrition, kinesiology, and wellness for optimal quality of life. Each procedure is goal-oriented and is carefully curated to take the patient’s self-care to the next level. Dr. Kiwanuka empowers her clients to stay amazing while taking steps to attain their body sculpting vision.

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