The Athletic Tummy Tuck by Core Aesthetics New York

Core Sculpt is an evolution of the conventional abdominoplasty and is exclusive to Core Aesthetics New York. Core Sculpt is based on the principles of Functional Aesthetics and is designed to build a beautiful and toned core. By combining non-invasive modalities with state-of-the-art surgical techniques, Core Sculpt creates a balance where there is imbalance and restores the harmonious proportions of the female core.

Each client undergoes an initial medical evaluation which allows us to accurately assess their overall state of health. Each unique treatment plan is based on the client’s aesthetic needs and focuses on beauty, fitness, and nutrition. Core Sculpt is a highly customized holistic treatment that exponentially enhances your results and optimizes your beauty and health.

What is Core Sculpt Tummy Tuck?

At Core Aesthetics New York, we want you to feel as good as you look. Pregnancy is perhaps the most dramatic shift your body will ever go through, and many women find themselves struggling with postpartum bodily changes that are resistant to diet and exercise regimens. Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on the belly and stretches the muscles in the abdomen. This can cause the muscles that meet in the middle of the abdomen (six-pack abs) to lose their shape and become separated. This condition is called rectus diastasis and is extremely common after pregnancy.

Diastasis recti might cause a bulge in the abdomen where the two muscles separate. This weakens the core and can cause back pain, constipation, and urine leaking problems. It can even make it harder to breathe and move normally. You might be more likely to develop diastasis recti due to pregnancy if you have carried multiple or a large baby to term, are of small stature, or are age 35 or older.

The Core Sculpt Tummy Tuck is designed to revitalize the body and keep you strong and beautiful over time. We offer a complete transformational wellness experience that sculpts athleticism, strength, and health.

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What are the Benefits?

  • Tones, sculpts, and refines the midsection
  • Firms separated abdominal muscles
  • Removes excess skin and fat
  • Reshapes the lower body
  • Creates a more youthful, shapely physique
  • Expands wardrobe options
  • Enhances self-image
  • Personalized nutritional plan
  • Long-lasting changes
  • Natural-looking results
  • Supports an active, fit lifestyle
  • A holistic, all-encompassing approach

Who is an Ideal Candidate for a Core Sculpt Tummy Tuck?

The Core Sculpt tummy tuck creates a beautiful and toned core by repairing and strengthening the abdominal muscles and removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen and waist. This can address the functional and aesthetic issues developed by significant weight loss, pregnancy, and aging. 

Candidates are typically active and health-conscious individuals who already take excellent care of their bodies but are seeking to optimize their sculpted silhouette. Our clients are empowered to go above and beyond in their pursuit of total well-being and understand that beauty and function are intimately related.

Before embarking on a program of treatment, you will be required to undergo a physical examination and a number of tests in order to evaluate your state of health and to tailor the various treatment options to your needs.

Patients undergoing abdominoplasty should be non-smokers of sound mind and body who are not currently struggling with any uncontrolled medical concerns, such as hypertension or bleeding disorders. Dr. Kiwanuka will conduct a thorough physical evaluation and review your medical history to ensure that a tummy tuck will be a safe, effective procedure.

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Your Consultation at Core Aesthetics New York

Your aesthetic journey begins with a consultation with Dr. Kiwanuka at her beautiful Upper East Side New York location. She will work closely with you to ensure you are reaching your aesthetic goals. During this initial meeting, Dr. Kiwanuka will evaluate your stomach to assess loose, drooping skin, diastasis recti, bulging contours, and stretch marks, creating a personalized treatment plan to combat these issues. 

She will review your medical history and answer any questions or concerns you may have, empowering you with the knowledge and information you need to move forward confidently.

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Core Sculpt FAQ

What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?

What can I expect in terms of scarring after abdominoplasty?

Can I combine a tummy tuck with other procedures?

Can I get pregnant or have children after a tummy tuck?

What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?

Liposuction is performed to remove excess fat, sculpting the contours. It is often used to refine the results of other surgical procedures, such as a mommy makeover, an arm lift, a thigh lift, or abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck focuses on the belly, trimming redundant skin and tightening separated or weakened abdominal muscles. Tummy tuck surgery can also reposition the navel in a more desirable location.

What can I expect in terms of scarring after abdominoplasty?

The tummy tuck scar runs from hip to hip but is well-concealed by underwear or a bikini. It’s important that you wear the proper sunblock to help protect the skin from discoloration as it heals. We can provide you with medical-grade scar creams if needed.

Can I combine a tummy tuck with other procedures?

Yes, absolutely. A tummy tuck is a major component of the mommy makeover procedure, which also typically includes liposuction, vaginal rejuvenation, and breast surgery. Abdominoplasty can also be combined with an arm lift or a thigh lift.

Can I get pregnant or have children after a tummy tuck?

Yes. Abdominoplasty will not affect your ability to have children. However, many surgeons advise that patients are finished having children before undergoing a tummy tuck simply because pregnancy can distort and negate cosmetic results and necessitate a costly revision procedure down the line.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

Full Tummy Tuck

This is the conventional approach to abdominoplasty. Dr. Kiwanuka will address moderate to severe skin ptosis in the belly, both above and below the belly button. She will firm the abdominal muscles and reposition the navel in a more youthful-looking location. Here, the incision stretches from hip to hip with scarring well-concealed beneath the bikini line.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is ideal for patients that are experiencing abdominal bulging in the area beneath the navel. This surgery comes with a shorter scar and less downtime overall, but it will not be appropriate for those with excessive skin ptosis. Women who previously underwent a C-section or hysterectomy will benefit from the mini tummy tuck.

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Recovery and Self-Care

As part of her dedication to outstanding care, Dr. Kiwanuka will create a customized aftercare plan based on your unique needs. You will receive instructions for wound care, bathing, sleeping, resuming exercise, and returning to work. Compression garments will be provided to help minimize your swelling and preserve your newly sculpted contours. These garments may stay in place for 6-8 weeks as the body heals. Dr. Kiwanuka will also ensure that you receive prescription pain medications to ease any discomfort.

After a tummy tuck, you will need to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for around 6 weeks. However, taking gentle, short walks will help minimize complications, boost circulation, and elevate your mood. Dr. Kiwanula suggests sleeping in a recliner at night to avoid lying flat and thus disturbing the incisions. She will follow up with you regularly to ensure your recovery is progressing smoothly and will answer any questions that may arise.

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