It can often be challenging to eliminate pockets of excess fat on our bodies, even with regular exercise and a healthy diet. This is why many people turn to liposuction surgery. In fact, according to CNN, nearly two million liposuction procedures were performed worldwide in 2021 alone. Although liposuction is not technically a weight loss procedure—ideal candidates should be relatively close to their ideal weight—it can effectively eliminate individual areas of excess fat. If you’re considering liposuction, you may wonder which areas of your body can be targeted with the procedure. Here, we’ll look at where liposuction can be safely performed.

How Does Liposuction Work?

Before looking at the different areas of the body where liposuction can be done, it’s essential to understand how the procedure works. Typically, liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure under local or general anesthesia. The targeted excess fat is loosened, typically using either a tumescent solution or ultrasound energy. Then, a narrow cannula is inserted through a small incision and attached to a surgical vacuum, which is used to suction the loosened fat out of the body carefully.

Areas Where Liposuction Can Be Performed

Liposuction is a versatile procedure that can be performed in many areas of the body, including:


The abdomen is one of the most common areas where people choose to undergo liposuction. As we get older, excess fat around the midsection can become very difficult to shed, even if we’re practicing excellent habits. Fat in this area can also be hard to lose after going through pregnancy and childbirth. If you have both excess fat and loose skin around the abdomen, a tummy tuck may be an ideal option. However, if you just want to eliminate extra fat with a less invasive procedure, liposuction could be perfect.


Another popular area for liposuction is the waist. Specifically, many people have stubborn fat around the obliques, also known as the love handles. Excess fat in these areas is known for being very challenging to eliminate without surgery, and it can frequently cause unattractive bulges.


Although it’s not as common as abdominal liposuction, the back is another common area where the procedure can be performed. Typically, back liposuction is performed on women who are self-conscious about excess fat around the bra line.


If you’d like to achieve smoother curves and enhance the contours around your hips and/or buttocks, liposuction can be an effective option for targeting stubborn fat in those areas. In fact, patients will often choose to combine liposuction with a Brazilian butt lift procedure to achieve maximum results.


Many people don’t realize that liposuction is commonly performed around the face and neck. For patients dealing with chubby cheeks or a double chin, the procedure can be an effective way to achieve a slimmer, more defined face, jawline, and neck.


In some cases, excess fat can develop on the outer thighs to create what’s known as “saddlebags.” When exercise and dieting don’t work to remove this fat, liposuction offers a simple way to achieve slimmer, more youthful-looking thighs. Liposuction can be performed on the inner thighs as well as the outer thighs.

Upper Arms

When we have stubborn fat on our upper arms, it can negatively affect our bodily proportions and create an unsightly jiggle when we move around. Although it’s not one of the most common forms of liposuction, the procedure can be quite effective for removing excess fat from the upper arms.


Chest liposuction is most commonly performed on men suffering from gynecomastia and older men who have lost muscle mass around the chest. However, women will also undergo chest or breast liposuction in some cases.

Consider Core Aesthetics for Your Liposuction Procedure

Regardless of where on your body you’d like to have liposuction performed, selecting a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon is imperative. Choosing the right surgeon can greatly increase the chances of achieving optimal results and avoiding complications. When you select Core Aesthetics for your liposuction procedure, Dr. Elizabeth Kiwanuka will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and aesthetic goals. Contact our office today if you’d like to schedule a consultation and begin your journey toward attaining the figure you desire.

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